About Outbound Care
“We are made wise not by our recollection of our past, but by the
responsibility for our future”
George Bernard Shaw

Contact Our Dedicated Referrals Team
07446 084223
07730 603614
Email your enquiries to: referrals@outboundcare.co.uk
Outbound Care
Outbound Care provide individual care programmes for young people who may be experiencing behavioural and/or emotional difficulties, or have mild to moderate learning disabilities . These young people may be of either gender and will be aged from 8 to 18 years old.
Young people placed in our care will be nominated a key-worker, who will take responsibility for the case management of the young person. We expect all our young people to follow our ethos:
Imagine - we help all our young people to think differently and give them the platform where they no longer have to put on the image they may have demonstrated to 'get by' in the past.
Believe - in themselves and gaining a trust in adults where, they previously had none.
Achieving -through the 24-hour curriculum programme that we follow and through engaging in our bespoke outbound approach to care.
Placement Criteria:
Collection any time & day of the week.
Young people with low self-esteem and self-confidence.
Young people who display challenging behaviours and/or may be on the periphery of offending behaviours.
Young people who have mild to moderate learning disabilities.
Young people without a stable educational background.
Young people who have experienced repeated placement breakdown.
Sibling groups.
Any core assessment information.
Young People at risk of sexual exploitation. It is imperative that each young person is placed into the most appropriate surroundings to cater for his/her needs, to maintain the success of each home and to enable the young person to achieve positive outcomes.
If you have a referral, where possible, please provide us with:
A chronology of events for the young person including a placement history, behaviour and education history, and any involvement with other agencies/professionals, for example previous review reports/CLA reports.
Once a young person has been referred, Outbound Care will:
Run our in house matching process and ensure the most appropriate home for the young person based on the information provided by the Local Authority.
If a placement can be offered we will provide a placement proposal and arrange for a young person’s welcome pack to be forwarded.
Invite, where possible, the young person and their Social Worker to visit the home, prior to admission.
Visit, where possible and appropriate, the young person before admission to reassure them, to answer all their questions and to help minimise any fears or anxieties they may have.
Begin to plan the young person’s individualised care and education programme.